Epic Cycling: Biking Horseshoe Meadows Road

If you’re looking for a ride to stretch your imagination in so many ways, it’s hard to match the experience biking Horseshoe Meadows Road.

The Eastern Sierra is filled with largess with its landscapes and to date Onion Valley Road just further north had been my most epic climb in views and effort.

Its length, grade and altitude make this thirteen mile ascent a tougher prospect than the most famous climbs of the Tour de France and yet Horseshoe Meadows Road may top them all.

Doing the full length, this ascent is is 75% longer totaling almost twenty three miles while reaching almost one thousand feet higher towards the heavens.

While the overall grade averages out to 6.2%, subtract a three-quarter mile decline towards the top and the pitch is comparable.

Starting out of Lone Pine, we followed the Pjamm Cycling route starting rolling through the Alabama Hills up Whitney Portal Road which completes the triumvirate of iconic Eastern Sierra Climbs.

At mile three, you make the turn onto Horseshoe Meadow Road heading directly south for what seems like a friendly six and a half miles with a gentle grade, but you’re more prone to the whims of the wind.

The DeLaCour Ranch marks some 19th century history and the start of the most substantial section in the switchbacks.

It’s hard understanding the length with these next seven and a half miles coiled up, but you will recognize the 8% grade you have to battle against.

At least you’ll be pair with these monumental views that I was waiting to experience since I was inspired years ago by the Radavist.

The final five miles should be tapering back your effort, but the altitude is the major factor here getting you to the end.

On the return, the descent is absolutely fabulous and surprising smooth with the expansion joints far more timid than Onion Valley Rd.

Perhaps the toughest part about biking Horseshoe Meadows is how there is no extremes that would normally put you in the red, but it’s more like death by a million cuts as the cumulative effect are what will wear you down.

Horseshoe Meadows is a true bucket list experience and adds to the amazement in Owens Valley.