rock cobbler 12 title

Rock Cobbler 12.0

Now with a few under my belt, I felt highly enthusiastic going into Rock Cobbler 12.0.

You never know for sure until you’re actually in it, but I was highly confident this rodeo was going to be a smoother ride.

Last year added a new portion on the northeast which we returned to though that wasn’t the major issue.

Normally, the event starts in the heart of Bakersfield meaning we had a flat twelve miles bookending the ride.

Because of renovations, we started in the middle route with the potential of big climbs replacing those “junk” miles.

Starting off, the first fourteen miles was as tame as it could get mostly filled with rollers and some surprise single track before hitting our first big climb.

The Breckenridge area has been featured in every edition I’ve ridden in, but alternates directions every year.

Counterclockwise is the easier option, but the hope was the rains a few days earlier didn’t turn it into a mud pit like our last time out.

Fortunately, it went as well as could be hoped and omitting that one extra Cat 3/4 climb in the region was appreciated.

We hit the Rancheria climb that around seven miles (including the turnoff) was an efficient way of gaining vert without too much strain.

Pyramid Road was a silky, smooth welcome interrupted by our shortcut to Round Mountain Road with a few straining pitches to get us ready for the toughest portion of the day.

The northern ranchlands offered twenty five miles of dirt, but the first third was the toughest with a few efforts in the teens.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the descents were a fun collection of all types and took out whatever bad taste you would have in your mouth.

The early single track was a welcome surprise!

The final test was in Hart Park right after doing the g-force whipping Refrigerator section where the day’s hike-a-bike section awaited.

No doubt was it grueling averaging 38% and feeling longer than other years, but the heaviest pitch felt less so than other times feeling like a big victory.

Once back on our bikes, the rest of the ride was fast all the way back and once again, the Cobbler has the best after party with everyone sharing war stories.

It was great to finish off early in the afternoon and Rock Cobbler 12.0 was my favorite one yet, the question now is how evil will 13 be??